Spring Track Rec
Velocity Spring Track is a fun track and field program created by former collegate athletes and coaches that will introduce kids to the sport of track and field through games, skills and competitions that focus on excellence, character and enjoyment. We emphasize the fun part of our program to get kids excited about running, field events and movement!
Kids birth year 2010-2019 or ages 6-15 in the year 2025
Starting mid-April, twice a week for 1 hour each
Local parks, elementary fields and local tracks
Meet #1: Friday Night Lights Meet! April 18 @ Ben Lomond High School
Meet #2: May 3 @ West Field High School
Championship Meet: May 10 @ Clearfield High School
Meet dates are subject to change. We will do our best to update you as we secure volunteers/facilities.
Age Groups
Hummingbirds: Age 6, born 2019 *only available in some areas
Swallows: Age 7-8, born 2017-18
Swifts: Age 9-10, born 2015-2016
Eagles, Age 11-12, born 2013-14
Falcons: Age 13-15, born 2010-2012. We encourage Jr. High age runners to run with their school program and then join us for Velocity Elite when their Jr. High season ends.
Other Information
All registrations include a Velocity tech t-shirt in the team color.
Scholarships are available for those in need. You must apply before registering to receive the scholarship.